The Russian Highways State Company (Avtodor) was created according to Federal Law of 17 July 2009 No 145-FZ


The State Company is an enterprise that runs major infrastructure projects on building, developing and operating the motorway and highway network, ensuring economic, social and territorial development of the country’s regions.

The State Company builds new modern motorways and highways, providing road users with the possibilities of safe, fast and comfortable transportation and ensuring high level of maintenance service throughout the road.

The State Company attracts extra-budgetary investments in the implementation of long-term infrastructure projects of social significance, ensuring their efficiency and transparency.

The State Company offers the government and the market best investment projects in the transport sector, drawing on its unrivalled experience and reputation as a leader in the public-private partnership, high level of competence of the staff, specificities of the Company’s legal regulation, efficiency in carrying out large-scale projects, ability to respond effectively to external challenges, considerable financial resources and capacity to attract extra-budgetary sources of funding.


The State Company is a global infrastructure investment holding that actively develops and operates motorways, highways and roadside infrastructure through applying a wide range of public-private partnership mechanisms, improves the road quality and comfort for users, and makes road construction and operation less expensive.


The overall goal of the State Company is to become a global infrastructure investment holding working towards the strategic goals of the Government and society, including through attracting investments in the construction sector and working on design, construction and operation of motorways and highways, as well as roadside infrastructure, in the Russian Federation and abroad.

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